Wednesday, June 30, 2010

OOC: Al Raqis Rumors, Minus Stupid Bug!

By Allen Kerensky
Al Raqis Group

For those of you who have given the spinning green crystal rumor system in Al Raqis a try, thank you!

You helped me find and shoot holes into a major annoying bug making the system unusable. So,I fixed it, and the rumor system seems MUCH more usable.While debugging, I took the opportunity to add many new features (and bugs most likely) on the server side for performance. I also reloaded the existing rumors =D

I have attached the instructions for the IC rumor system.

Please continue to help us test it!
Al Raqis In-Character Rumor System 2010


This sim uses a unique system to help you spread in-character (IC) tidbits without the rumor being linked to you, and giving you randomly wide distribution of interesting IC information.

These slowly spinning green crystal objects are scattered about the sim.

They represent information contacts, the average Joe who may or may not have heard something interesting, and is willing to share it with you.

They are non-player character, NPCs, "dummies", but can be included in roleplay when having to explain where you got information.

Their use is simple:

Touching the green crystal will bring up a dialog box, and you are asked if you would like to GET a rumor or create a NEW rumor.

Clicking this option will make the rumor contact whisper you a random rumor out of the database of rumors already entered.

Please do not madly click the object to get a lot of rumors at once, or you may find NONE of the rumor contacts will speak to you.

This option will allow you to enter in a new rumor of your own.

You must enter in a rumor that you are certain you know IC; see our sim rules on Metagaming.

It should also be one that you don't mind anyone finding out.

Indeed, this is a great method to make sure people know about something without knowing who told... or to spread misinformation!

Another dialog box will come up, telling you when to start, and you will enter your rumor with the command: /600

NOTE: There will be a delay before the system accepts the rumor.

This is to give you time to type.

All incoming rumors are moderated by Sim Admin before entering the database to ensure they are not spam, and rumors expire automatically after 30 days after being posted.

All rumors record who placed them in case there are any questions, but that information is only available to Sim Admin.

Future Plans
Currently, the system assumes all rumors are at a level of "common knowledge".

Future enhancements will add five levels of how common the knowledge is, from Common Knowledge to Very Secret.

This will be enabled when the RP System comes online.

In-Sim Rumor System Originally Conceived and Designed by Disraeli Calderwood.

Scientist: Al Raqis not always desert

CNS news services

AL RAQIS - AL RAQIS - In a controversial report, offworld scientists working near Al Raqis City report that Al Raqis was not always a desert world.

"There is more water locked into local rock strata, as much as 100 times more, than fits our models for a planet that was 'once a desert, always a a desert.'" says senior scientist.

Other scientists disagree, "That report is sham science backed by no data. I expect we'll find core sample contamination skewed results."

With the report, amateur 'water prospecting' has increased.