Sunday, January 30, 2011

OOC: Orion Notice!

From Arealius Barbosa

Two items:

1. One of our Swords is going to make a public announcement of joining into partnership sometime this week. Their Partnership ceremony will be done as Orions.

2. Intelligence is inticating there will be a combat roleplay in the Al Raqis/Splintered Rock Sim initiated by the UFS against Orions. Those wanting to participate in this combat roleplay contact Jo Massenberg or Ar Barbosa.

OOC: RP Notice for Players

It has been observed by Orion Operatives at UFS that Starfleet is now receiving attacks from people not in the Orion-Starfleet roleplay. It is very important that you wear your meter AND your group title when roleplaying with the UFS personnel or on their home sim. Otherwise you could be mis-identifed as a griefer. Small courtesy that results in avoiding big mistakes.