By Megan Luz
Al Raqis Raconteur
Al RAQIS - This esteemed publication today received a letter of intent
from the mysterious cult, the Jadist Congregation, operating on the desert world
of Araxes. The group, who has so far been reticent to talk to the public, also
issued an identical statement to the higher governmental office of the planet,
the Laandsrat, at their gathering yesterday. The group's aims are lofty however
they provided little detail upon how they would achieve their aims with some
members of government deriding the group as "unorganised" and "childish."
The organisation came into existence following the death of prominent
upcoming politician, Jade Moonkill, who campaigned against a controversial cure
proposed by the Araxes government. Investigations into the assassination have so
far proved slow causing many to speculate that the lack of a conviction has
caused a groundswell of suspicion towards the Great Houses and associated
bodies that rule the planet. Unsubstantiated reports have also claimed that
Moonkill, a 34 Tau native and carrier of a rare genetic disease, may also have
been involved in an 'organ legging' operation involving the transfer of
illegally sourced organs and that her death may have been caused as a result of
an agreement turned sour. Friends of the late Ms. Moonkill have were reluctant
to comment.
The statement reads as follows :
The Solemn Words
of the Jadist Congregation
We deliver this message to the Laandsrat
in the hope that the Time of Strife can be avoided. Too much blood has been
spilt on this world and others like it. A time of great darkness approaches but
that destiny can be avoided and time of divinity can come upon us all.
We ask the following:
1. That the murderer of the Messiah Jade
Moonkill will be delivered to the Jadist Congregation. Their fate will be
decided by the Council of Ghosts.
2. That the Laandsrat will immediately
dissolve and hand over power to the Beit Dawla as the Messiah
3. That the Laandsrat will be replaced by the Church of Jade
and we shall administer teachings of love and prayer to the people so that they
may live in happiness. Democracy through faith! All who believe in the Messiah
Jade Moonkill will live by her teachings. Only then will peace and tranquility
spread throughout the galaxy.
These are the words of the Jadist
Congregation through the Messiah's Emissaries.
Do not choose a path that
will spill the blood of the people. Choose the path of love and
Praise Jade and may she bless you all.